Undertaken at the top level management, Strategic Planning helps orchestrate efforts towards defining the organizational vision, mission and objectives. Operational planning supports the Strategic planning by predetermining short term objectives and activities, measuring performance and maintaining quality standards.
Enterprise Architecture
Applying internationally accepted standards, we analyze, design, plan and implement enterprise architecture principles to meld organizational infrastructures through business, information and technology processes necessary to meet their strategic objectives.
Business Development and Forecasting. Feasibility studies
We formulate and implement processes to set goals, propose actions to achieve the goals, and mobilize resources to execute the actions. We determine the viability of the proposed plan and clarify how the milestones will be achieved by the resources.
Research Projects
The designing and implementation of research projects is for our company one of the main fields of work. In particular, Company has years of experience in field studies, usage of qualitative and quantitative methods, data analysis, development of appropriate research tools and technical support at all steps of research projects.
Design and implementation of business executive training seminars
With long tradition in training business executives, we always aim to increase, diversify and modernize business skills and leadership traits of top level management in enterprises and organization.
Dissemination Strategy
Our priority is to broadcast the right message to the public. For this purpose we use the appropriate communication tools depending on the purpose of the work we have undertaken. Networking between transmitter and receiver is for us an important part of our work. Access to and dissemination of information creates the ground for partnerships with the same goal of providing common solutions to issues. Creating sites with access for all or organizing conferences are some of the ways in which we can help to facilitate the dissemination of information in a structured, ordered and pleasant way.